Musso 5030 Motor

This post is part of a series of descriptions of the L2 / 5030 / Stella / Pollo ice cream machine.

The Motor

The motor in my Musso is from RPM badia polesine  in Italy. This is by the way the same provider as the motor in the high end Mahlkönig K30 coffee grinder. 

Type: C019700
230 V 50 Hz
52 W 0.53 A
2.5 uF
450 VL
1350 / min

The axis has tilted teeth, 7 teeth in total.

Musso 5030 electrical motor

Note the strange orientation of the outer bolts going upwards. This must be a mistake in the assembly I think as these are pushing into the gearbox when assembled. I change the orientation so the bolt is pointing downwards.

Image of problem with bolts pushing into the gearbox. I recommend to orient the bolts the other direction.

This was how my machine was assembled with the bolts hitting the gear box. This had made some marks in the gearbox and I think it is not the right way to assembly it.
